Photos of JESUS!!
JESUS-heads from all over the globe send us the pictures they have taken with JESUS the MONSTER TRUCK!!!

These photos are from the 2002 "Let JESUS Crush Your Sins" Tour

Going to the HELL Express!

Phil and Nina go to HELL, then they visited Florence, Italy.

2002 Tour JESUS Truck

These photos are from the 2001 "What Would JESUS Crush?" Tour

2001 Tour JESUS Truck

Miss Marys inagurual run at the Sweet Lips Tenn. track

Miss Mary Takes a victory lap.
These photos are from the 2000 "Only JESUS can wear the Bible Belt" Tour

The 1999-2000 Tour JESUS Truck

The 2000 Tour Little Miss Mary Truck

Scott and Joni get "bizzay"(busy) teaching JESUS the latest dance moves.

A fine group of young Christian Men communing with JESUS
(non-alocholic grape juice of course!!)

JESUS "preaching" to the crowd in Kansas City!!

The group "What Rif Would Jesus play?" has a Holy Vision of
JESUS Monster Truck in British Columbia.

JESUS rolls across "The Pond" to visit Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Cuba and the Feds were not the only ones interested in Elian Gonzales.
The JESUS Racing Team could always use a pair of small
hands to clean those "hard to reach" places.

These photos are from the 1999 "Monster Truckin' to the End of the World" Tour

JESUS drops in to a service at the La Salle Baptist Church.

St Julie's Church communing with JESUS

Riverside Korean Youth Group says "JESUS is King!!!"

The Sacred Heart Boys choir sings upon high "JESUS Rocks!!!"

JESUS waits to haul the raputured souls to heaven!

Send us your photos of JESUS
Thanks to everyone who sent photos so far!! Keep them coming!!

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v4.0 posted 5.01.03, © 1999-2006 Monster Truck Ministries, Sweetlips TN